Upcoming events.

Koi and Coffee

Koi and Coffee

Wake up Saturday to a peaceful setting with water sounds and colorful Koi. Enjoy freshly brewed coffee while connecting with fellow enthusiasts to share experiences and talk about pond design and filtration tips. Work together to improve knowledge and create a supportive community. Get personalized advice for beginners and experienced keepers to enhance Koi care and management, ensuring a healthy ecosystem. Experience the combination of Coffee and Koi—where passion joins expertise.

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Koi and Coffee

Koi and Coffee

Wake up Saturday to a peaceful setting with water sounds and colorful Koi. Enjoy freshly brewed coffee while connecting with fellow enthusiasts to share experiences and talk about pond design and filtration tips. Work together to improve knowledge and create a supportive community. Get personalized advice for beginners and experienced keepers to enhance Koi care and management, ensuring a healthy ecosystem. Experience the combination of Coffee and Koi—where passion joins expertise.

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